Whitings Swimming Academy

Terms and Conditions
Lesson Terms and Conditions
Lessons must be paid for in advanced
Term Dates are given out in advanced
If a lesson is missed due to absence or illness no refund or extra lesson will be given
If you arrive late to the pool the lesson will still finish at the agreed time
In an event of pool closure, a make up lesson will be arranged if possible for the same day and time at the end of the school term, if this is not possible a credit note will be given for the cancelled lesson
Each lesson will run for 30 minutes every Monday at the agreed time
It is the parents/guardians responsibility to maintain their child’s safety before and after their lesson, this includes in the changing rooms and on poolside prior to the lessons
All property left in the changing rooms or on poolside and all property left in the entrance hall is left at your own risk. Whitings Swimming Academy cannot accept any responsibility for the loss or damage of any personal possessions
Swimming Teachers are not responsible for children who leave the pool to go to the toilet
A parent/guardian must stay on site throughout the lesson
Any information put on the booking form must be correct and parent/guardians must notify us of any injuries, illnesses or medical conditions
Never bring your child swimming if they have an illness such as an ear infection, diarrhea, vomiting, chicken pox, impetigo or conjunctivitis. Please wait until your doctor has given the all clear
In the instance of sickness and diarrhea your child must be have been clear of all symptoms for at least 48 hours before attending a lesson
Whilst we try to ensure you always have the same teacher we cannot guarantee this as teachers fall ill, leave etc
Parents/guardians must wear a facemask at all times when in the building.
Anyone feeling ill or showing any symptoms of Covid-19 (high temperature, a new persistent cough or a loss in taste or sense of smell) should not attend swimming and follow the NHS guidance.
Only one parent/guardian is allowed in building with the children.
Children must come ‘swim ready’ to avoid being in the changing rooms longer than necessary.
Parents/guardians must not arrive more than 5 minutes before the start time of their lesson.
Social distancing must be maintained as much as possible in the changing rooms and on poolside
Whitings Swimming Academy is committed to providing good child safeguarding practice for all our swimmers and we have adopted the ASA Safeguarding Policy – Wavepower
Parents/guardians are requested not to take photos or videos on poolside or in the changing rooms to comply with child protection
Complaints - If you or your child is not entirely satisfied with the service we provide we would like to hear about it. If we become aware of any problem while you or your child is still attending a course or activity, we will aim to resolve this at an early stage. You can be assured that any complaint will be taken very seriously. The complaint should be made in writing and sent to: Olivia Gibson at whitingsswimmingacademy@gmail.com
All participants are covered by our Public Liability Insurance
Terms and Conditions are correct at the time of publication/issue and are subject to change without prior notice.
Venue Terms and Conditions
All children must wear a swimming hat in the pool
No outdoor footwear is allowed in the changing rooms or on poolside, blue shoe covers are provided
No food or drink is allowed in the building at all, please wait until you leave to have a snack
When arriving and leaving Whitings Hill you must use the Swimming Pool entrance on Quinta Drive not the school entrance
If there is space in the school car park you may use that and walk around if not you may park on the surrounding roads, at no point can you drive in or leave your car in the service yard.
All property that is left in the changing rooms or on poolside is left at your own risk, we cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage to your personal items
Showers are not available
Wavepower 2024 Child safeguarding policy and procedures for clubs
Equality and Diversity Policy